Led Indicator For Mixmeister
I want an LED indicator that will lite when an AC circuit is on. The line/output is 24vAC at.5A. This is an irrigation controller, which sends 24vAC to activate a water/sprinkler controller valve. I need a basic cicuit design and/or instruction. NKK Indicators feature LED illumination and are a complement to each Series switch. A wide array of colors and mounting options are available. Nov 10, 2019 3# Simple LED AC power indicator circuit. This is an LED Indicator for remote AC loads Circuit. At very cheap and use electronic parts a little. This circuit uses diode rectifier cheapness, Resistor and LED only. As a result, assemble the circuit shows flowing from AC current Source in load easily. The LED blinks at a 10 percent duty cycle (0.1 second on, 2.9 seconds off), that is, the light is on for a very short period of time. Slow blink – The startup sequence has been initiated on the host. The LED blinks at a 50 percent duty cycle, which is noticeably longer than the STANDBY BLINK. For best results, the LED color should be the same as the lens color. If the bulb is behind a clear lens, use the appropriate color for turn and brake light functions. When installed in a housing that has a matching colored lens, red and amber bulbs will appear brighter than white LED bulbs—even. What's the quickest way to show a red/green light indicator on a C# form? I originally thought about using radio buttons, but not sure how to set the color of the dot, only the foreground/background text. Then I thought about drawing a circle. Couldn't find a toolbox shape.
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This manual provides instructions for servicing Oracle Database Appliance hardware. OracleDatabase Appliance comes in four versions:
Oracle Database Appliance X5-2
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Oracle Database Appliance X4-2
Oracle Database Appliance X3-2
Oracle Database Appliance original version (also referred to as 'version 1' or 'V1')
The following sections in this chapter describe system status indicators and LEDs:
For information about system features and racking, refer to the Oracle DatabaseAppliance Owner's Guide. For information on cabling, Oracle ILOM initial setup, andappliance software setup, refer to the Oracle Database Appliance Getting StartedGuide.
Oracle Database Appliance X5-2 Status Indicators
This section describes the status indicators for Oracle Database Appliance X5-2.
Led Indicator For Mixmeister 3
Server Node Status Indicators
These topics describe Oracle Database Appliance X5-2 server node status indicators(LEDs).
The links below take you to topics outside of the Oracle DatabaseAppliance library to the Oracle Server X5-2 documentation library. Use your browser's Back button toreturn to the Oracle Database Appliance library.Storage Shelf Status Indicators
Storage shelves are supported with Oracle Database Appliance X5-2. They include controls andindicators on the front panel, hard drives, SSD drives, power supplies, and SAS I/O modules.
Storage Shelf Front Panel and Drive Indicators
The following figure shows the controls and indicators on the storage shelf front panel anddrives.
CalloutIndicator/LED: Color | State Meaning |
OK: green |
Service Required: amber |
Locate: white |
Drive Service Required: amber |
Power/Activity: green |
Storage Shelf Back Panel Indicators
The following figure shows the controls and indicators on the storage shelf back panel anddrives.
CalloutIndicator/LED: Color | State Meaning |
AC power fault indicator: amber |
Power supply status indicator: green |
Fan fail indicator: amber | |
4 |
SAS I/O Module status indicators: green or amber |
Reserved | |
7 | This port is reserved for Oracle Service. |
Host SAS port activity indicators (x4 per port): green |
Oracle Database Appliance X3-2/X4-2 Status Indicators
This section describes the status indicators for Oracle Database Appliance X3-2 and OracleDatabase Appliance X4-2.
Server Node Status Indicators
Led Indicator For Mixmeister 7
These topics describe Oracle Database Appliance X3-2 and Oracle Database Appliance X4-2 servernode status indicators (LEDs).
The links in the following table take you to topics outside of the OracleDatabase Appliance library to the Sun Server X3-2 and Sun Server X4-2 documentation libraries. Useyour browser's Back button to return to the Oracle Database Appliance library.Led Indicator For Mixmeister Free
ODA X3-2ODA X4-2 |
Storage Shelf Status Indicators
Storage shelves are supported with Oracle Database Appliance X3-2/X4-2. They include controlsand indicators on the front panel, hard drives, SSD drives, power supplies, and SAS I/Omodules.
Storage Shelf Front Panel and Drive Indicators
The following figure shows the controls and indicators on the storage shelf front panel anddrives.
CalloutIndicator/LED: Color | State Meaning |
OK: green |
Service Required: amber |
Locate: white |
Drive Service Required: amber |
Power/Activity: green |
Storage Shelf Back Panel Indicators
The following figure shows the controls and indicators on the storage shelf back panel anddrives.
CalloutIndicator/LED: Color | State Meaning |
AC power fault indicator: amber |
Power supply status indicator: green |
Fan fail indicator: amber | |
4 |
SAS I/O Module status indicators: green or amber |
Reserved | |
7 | This port is reserved for Oracle Service. |
Host SAS port activity indicators (x4 per port): green |
Oracle Database Appliance (Original Version) Status Indicators
This section describes the status indicators for the original version Oracle DatabaseAppliance.
Server Node Status Indicators
The following table lists and describes the general status indicators on the front and rearpanel of each Oracle Database Appliance (original version) server node.
CalloutIndicator/LED: Color | State Meaning |
Locate button/LED: white |
SP OK/Fault: bi-color |
Note - The amber LED indicates the status of the watchdog timer. The watchdog timer runscontinuously, but it times out if it is not reset by Oracle ILOM. If it times out, the amber LED islit and the green LED is extinguished. |
Ready to Remove: blue |
Service Required: amber |
Power/OK: green | This LED indicates the operational state of the chassis. This LED can be in the followingstates:
Over temperature: amber |
Note - This is a warning indication, not a fatal over temperature. Failure to correct this can resultin the system over heating and shutting down. |
Rear Component Failure: amber |
This fault condition is associated with chassis components located in the rear of the chassis.This fault might be caused by:
Server Node Fan Indicators
Each fan module for Oracle Database Appliance (original version) has a single bi-colored LEDindicating both fan OK and fan fault conditions. The LED lights green to indicate that the fanmodule is properly plugged into the system and operating within the expected RPM range for a givenpower management setting. The LED lights amber to indicate a fan fault.
The LEDs on the fan modules are not lit amber on initial system power-on. The fan amber LEDonly lights if Oracle ILOM detects a failure that indicates a faulty fan module or a missing fanthat should be installed.Indicator/LED: ColorState Meaning |
Note - The front and rear panel Service Required LEDs are also lit if the system detects a fan modulefault. |
Storage and Boot Drive Status Indicators
Each storage drive for Oracle Database Appliance (original version) includes three LEDs. Theyare the same on the front storage drives and the rear-mounted boot drives. See the followingtable.
CalloutIndicator/LED: Color | State Meaning |
Ready to Remove: blue |
Service Required: amber |
OK/Activity: green |
Power Supply Status Indicators
There are three status LEDs on each power supply for Oracle Database Appliance (originalversion), as shown in the following table.
CalloutIndicator/LED: Color | State Meaning |
OK: green |
Service Required: amber |
AC Present: green |
Rear Server Node Status Indicators
Each server node in Oracle Database Appliance (original version) has four summary status LEDsthat are located on its back panel, as shown in the following table.
CalloutIndicator/LED: Color | State Meaning |
Locate: white |
Ready to Remove: blue |
Service Required: amber |
Power/OK: green | This LED indicates the operational state of the chassis. This LED can be in the followingstates:
Server Node Internal LEDs
The following section describes the internal LEDs for Oracle Database Appliance (originalversion). Each server node contains the following internal LEDs:
A super capacitor (located on the motherboard) provides powerto light the server node fault LEDs for up to 15 minutes after the servernode is removed from a powered-on system chassis. After approximately 15 minutes,the capacitor discharges enough so that it cannot light the fault LEDs.Fault Remind Power Good LED.
This green LED lightseach time the Fault Remind button is pressed, if the capacitor has enoughof a charge to light the fault LEDs. This LED is located next to the FaultRemind button.
For the location of Fault Remind button and the Fault Remind Power GoodLED, see Remove Faulty DIMMs.
Memory DIMM Fault LEDs
Each DIMM slot has an adjacentDIMM fault LED. If a DIMM fails, the adjacent LED lights when the Fault Remindbutton is pressed.
For the location of Fault Remind button and the DIMM fault LEDs, see Remove Faulty DIMMs.
CPU Fault LEDs
Both CPUs have an associated CPUfault LED. If a CPU fails, the associated LED lights when the Fault Remindbutton is pressed.
For the location of CPU fault LEDs, see Remove Processor (CPU).
Ethernet Port LEDs
Each server node has two hostEthernet ports (NET0 and NET1) and an SP network management port (NET MGT).Each of these has two LEDs that indicate link activity and port speed. See Ethernet Port Indicators.
Ethernet Port Indicators
Each server node in Oracle Database Appliance (original version) has two host Ethernet ports(NET0 and NET1) and an SP network management port (NET MGT). Each of these has two LEDs thatindicate link activity and port speed.
Lights to indicate link activity. | |
Link Speed: bi-colored | Amber – Link established at next fastest speed or slower speeds. |